Tank Destruction Badge in Silver – M491
These prized tank destruction strips were awarded for using a handheld device, or explosive charge, to singlehandedly destroy an enemy tank on the field of battle. I just can’t imagine the nerve it took to face a rolling steel monster armed with only a panzerfaust, or jump on to it and attach a charge in order to destroy it. But that is exactly what these tank destruction badges were awarded for. The bullion mesh shows light wear and age, though nothing all that detracting per se’. The top and bottom black borders display the proper angled woven black strips that you want to see with these period awards. Both the metal backing and the Panzer IV tank emblem are non-magnetic on this example. With the 3 fastening pins still attached to the later. Among a sea of fakes out there, here is a real one which no doubt came off of a brave soldier’s tunic. SOLD