JR’s Tagebuch


GPB   Approximately 1972, well known 3rd Reich historian and antique collector Gailen David, purchase a 30 mm Gold Party Badge from a US service veteran living in Maryland. The badge was in decent...

Portapees and Knots

Portapees and Knots 3rd Reich Edged Weapon portapees and knots are a neat study by themselves. Many collectors have never stopped to think, ‘what the heck are those strange dingle ball items...

3rd Reich Railroad Eagle

3rd Reich Railroad Eagle General Info Very much as in the same way that practically all 3rd Reich badges, cloth, uniforms, medals, daggers and etc, have been reproduced post war, we see a variety of...

The ! SS Daggers

The ! SS Daggers If you’ve ever read through Witty’s bible on the Exclamation Motto SS Daggers, it’s not only confusing as to which company made which dagger during what time period...

Walter Harzer

Walter Harzer SS Panzer Commander, 9th Pz Div “Hohenstaufen”3rd Reich War Hero at ArnhemKnight’s Cross & DKiG RecipientSS StandartenfuhrerWalter Harzer Walter Harzer had a...

The M36 Chain Dagger and Chain Configurations

Himmler approved of a new type of scabbard hanger for the SS dagger, on Aug 25th, 1936. This became known as the M36 Chain Dagger. These new SS daggers with a chain suspension scabbard, have...

SS Ehredegen

SS Ehredegen What many collectors don’t realize, is that just because you were an officer within the SS, it didn’t by any means qualify you automatically to be able to own, and wear the...

Type C Chains & SA Gruppe Crossguards

Type C Chains & SA Gruppe Crossguards In the early days of collecting, 3rd Reich enthusiasts were quick to notice that the M36 SS Dagger was found containing 2 different chain varieties. The term...

Navy Portapees

Kreigsmarine Portapees In early days when a cavalry soldier fought on horseback wielding a sword as his weapon, a portapee laced to the hilt of the weapon was a very important survival device. With...

The SS Chain Dagger of Ernst Georg Altner

The SS Chain Dagger of Ernst Georg Altner  Ernst Georg Altner was born in Waldheim Germany, on December 4, 1901. His paramilitary career within the 3rd Reich began at the age 25, when Altner joined...

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