1 - SS Dagger Grip Runes - D1165
2 - SS Dagger Grip Runes - D1165
3 - SS Dagger Grip Runes - D1165
1 - SS Dagger Grip Runes - D1165 2 - SS Dagger Grip Runes - D1165 3 - SS Dagger Grip Runes - D1165

SS Dagger Grip Runes – D1165

This is an item that we are always asked for, though rarely ever have available. It is nickel silver runes button for the handle of and early SS dagger. Both the enamel and silvering remain very nice on this example, whereas the reverse still retains the proper mounting stud. Only the 2nd one of these that we’ve ever had.   $425.00 

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