1 - SS Allgemeine Brassard - CR305
2 - SS Allgemeine Brassard - CR305
3 - SS Allgemeine Brassard - CR305
1 - SS Allgemeine Brassard - CR305 2 - SS Allgemeine Brassard - CR305 3 - SS Allgemeine Brassard - CR305

SS Allgemeine Brassard – CR305

In this listing is a fine looking armband which displays evidence that it was sewn at the reverse and worn on a uniform during the infamous era. Constructed in the 5 piece manner consisting of the ribbed off white disc, folded black swastika, top & bottom black edge borders, and red wool body, all of the material is in very nice condition. On the reverse the ends of the fabric still have the threads where it was stitched together at one time.   $895.00

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