Single Decal M40 Heer by ET – H194
This listing is for a excellent model M40, single decal Army which was manufactured by the Eisenhutten-Thale (ET) company. The muted feldgrau exterior paint displays in an exceptional way, with nice coverage over it’s entire surface. On the left side of the lid, the down wing Heer eagle has been applied uniform and straight, as well as centered to the vent hole, and has taken on a gorgeous light golden tone. All 3 rivet heads are painted the same color as the shell, and retain a good portion of their original surface covering. On the inside skirt of the shell, the maker and size is stamped ET64, with a lot number of 5192. The liner band runs uniform and undamaged throughout, exactly following the inner circumference of helmet. It is held tight to the shell with 3 tight split pins, and their corresponding washers. An excellent leather liner is all in good shape, with all 8 undamaged fingers intact, as well as the drawstring too. Finally, a full length chinstrap completes the assembly. A beautiful and solid M40, all the way around. SOLD