Shooting Prize Hirschfanger by K&M – D1057
This listing is for an absolutely fantastic shooting award prize, given for an DJ contest held during 1929. The stag grip is an attractive section of horn which is laden with light and dark growth colors throughout. Three nicely detailed matching acorns adorn shown on the obverse are tightly affixed and firmly in place. The hilt components consisting of the pommel, ferrule, crossguard and clam shell are nicely muted brass construction, with a subtle patina that has settled over their surfaces. The ferrule is beautifully engraved both obverse and reverse, designating the competition event and Jager unit to whom this marksman belong to. All of the components are super tight and firm on this entire hilt assembly.
With this 17” attractive looking edged weapon is the excellent scabbard that it has been housed in. The sheath remains fairly straight, exhibiting just some very slight bowing associated with these internal wood runner scabbards. Hardly that much of a challenge considering this dagger is nearly 100 years old. All of the leather is in fine condition and perfectly sewn, while void of any dry rot, rips, tears, or stitching challenges. Like as well as matching the hilt components, the upper and lower fittings have the same muted brass look to their surfaces. The upper fitting shows evidence of a hanger that was worn with this scabbard, though now gone to time.
We finish up with the massive Hirschfanger style blade to this fine edged weapon, and it is a honey. This blade remains perfectly straight, full length, void of any sharpening, tipping or surface pitting. There is a couple extremely minor cutting edge nail catchers that are not visible in the photos, and barely worth mentioning to tell you the truth. The surface plating is absolutely stunning, from hilt to tip, both obverse and reverse. Additionally highlighted by the killer crisp hunting and forestry scenes acid etched panels shown on both sides of this blade. Finally, the obverse dedication declaring this gorgeous edged weapon was given out to the 2nd place winner and shooting master for this event held in 1929. On the reverse riccasso is the small shield logo, that being the trademark of the Clemen and Jung edged weapon firm.
A one of a kind marksman award, and a sheer beauty in every sense of the word! Comes with high recommendations. $3495.00 Price Reduced $3150.00