Rare Maker Kriegsmarine Dagger by C&J – D1047
While the lion’s share of navy daggers were most certainly manufactured by both Eickhorn and WKC, occasionally collectors encounter a relatively scarce maker. Here is one in that category. But additionally, it also has the exceptional condition to go with it too! Have a look at this Clemen & Jung KM dirk.
A beautiful off white Trolon over wood grip begins the description of this desirable Kriegsmarine officer’s dagger. From all indications, the handle is in near perfect condition, void of any splits, cracks, fractures, or missing material. Around the circumference the typical double strand copper wire is all snug and tightly set within the grooves. The early heavy brass crossguard is firm in this hilt, and has taken on an undisturbed patina like the rest of the metal components of this edged weapon. Around it and up the side of the grip is the original cellon portapee that was laced on this dirk when we received it. The knot is nicely toned gold, super tightly tied in the proper clove hitch pattern, and remains in excellent condition. As for the pommel, it is a 1938 replacement component, exhibiting beautiful detail to the features of the eagle, wreath, and swastika.
An excellent scabbard accompanies this rare maker 3rd Reich navy dagger. For such a soft metal that it is constructed out of, it has survived in exceptional condition through the years. The shell remains straight, void of any hits, dings, bend, dog legs, or creases. Both oak leaf scabbard bands are firmly in place, and hold the hanger rings properly. 2 side mounted screws secure the throat.
Finally, what a sweet blade to finish the description to this edged weapon with! And that really says it all oh and when is the last time you saw a C&J navy out there!
A rare maker Nazi era navy dagger, in truly exceptional condition. $1895.00