Personalized Shooting Award by Henckels – D1157
Offering a beautiful Imperial personalized shooting award bayonet, manufactured by the Henckels edged weapon firm. Without a doubt, a company renown for gorgeous quality blades even to this day. The long 26″-edged weapon has a fine-looking hilt on it, comprised of expertly trimmed and fit oak panels for the handle. The wood remains in nice condition, void of any chips, cracks, flakes, or repairs. For an edged weapon that is 110 years old, the plating to both the pommel section as well as the quillon has held up extremely well. There is a green felt plug in the rifle lug slot, which perfectly matches that of the blade washer.
An absolutely gorgeous scabbard accompanies this beautiful bayonet. The shell remains perfectly straight and covered with the finest period black leather you have ever seen! In addition to that, both upper and lower steel plated fittings are in near perfect shape and securely fastened solid to the shell. Usually, these simple stapled fittings will have some play in them, but not on this beautiful scabbard. At the top of this scabbard is an excellent frog that came with this rig, with a period laced troddle securely in place where it has remained for the last century.
And finally, the blade and what an absolutely outstanding example it is! It is truly an unbelievable work of art to say the least. This blade remains full length, void of any tipping, sharpening, cutting edge chips, or anything else. The plating is stunning and remains 100% mint. But here is the best part of all. Running straight down the obverse is the dedication to the recipient Paul Rittter, awarded by the 1&2 company regiment, Hamburg 1.10.15. That jeweler engraving is not only absolutely gorgeous, but also laden with gold gilt in its entirety! The same is true for the Henckels stamped trademark.
Looking for a special edged weapon for your collection, grab this baby. As it has everything going for it and then some! $1995.00