Over the Shoulder Hirschfanger Dagger Rig - A679 - 1
Over the Shoulder Hirschfanger Dagger Rig - A679 - 2
Over the Shoulder Hirschfanger Dagger Rig - A679 - 1 Over the Shoulder Hirschfanger Dagger Rig - A679 - 2

Over the Shoulder Hirschfanger Dagger Rig – A679

This is an accoutrement that you don’t see all that often offered. As the title states, it is the frog and adjustable belt strap which was used to steady and carry either a hunting or forestry dagger. While the fabric to the strap shows age and wear, it is complete with the metal adjuster and leather slack loop devise. The actual frog holster is in fine shape as well. A nice accoutrement to add to your Hirschfanger display.  $195.00

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