Large Size Railroad Eagle – G259
Of the 4 sizes the so-called railroad eagles came in (24″, 27″, 28″, 35″), those of the 720mm length (28′) were the most impressive in my opinion. Here is a killer example in this offering.
Though the manufacturer to my knowledge has not been identified to this particular style of eagle, I have just referred to them as the 5-stud configuration. That being derived from the reverse mounting system which these came with. But before we touch on that, let’s start with the obverse. For being a sand cast item, the obverse of this rail eagle displays a fantastic as well as smooth finish in it’s entirety. As with other souvenirs of this type which collectors at times encounter being altered, nothing has been cleaned, buffed, broken, cracked or polished on this eagle. A nice, muted finish is shown in the photos, exactly what collectors love to fine when it comes to these displays. A dark patina / burnishing nicely highlights the bird’s wings, feathers, and wreathed swastika. The background of the swastika is also darkened at some point to highlight the cross raised in relief. On the reverse the plaque shows the 5-stud configuration which I previously mentioned. All of the mounting structures have been sheared off flat after this eagle was removed from the cast. Though this railroad eagle appears to have come from a foundry and unused as opposed to have been mounted on a coach car, both the obverse as well as the reverse exhibit lots of darkening and patina thoughout. This results in an absolutely fantastic look to this 28″ display. Finally, on the reverse side of the swastika is the impression of chemical composition of these striking displays usually have; GAL -MG. If you’ve been awaiting one of these, this is an excellent opportunity for a beauty. $5495.00