1 - LAH Officer's Cuff Title Cutoff - C314
2 - LAH Officer's Cuff Title Cutoff - C314
3 - LAH Officer's Cuff Title Cutoff - C314
1 - LAH Officer's Cuff Title Cutoff - C314 2 - LAH Officer's Cuff Title Cutoff - C314 3 - LAH Officer's Cuff Title Cutoff - C314

LAH Officer’s Cuff Title Cutoff – C314

As many enthusiasts are aware of, this Leibstandandarte Adolf Hitler was initially form as the Fuhrer’s personal protection unit in 1933, and took the Fuhrer’s name as their unit designation, Adolf Hitler. In this offering is a hand embroidered bullion SS officers’ example, which was no doubt scalped from a tunic as a souvenir, and remains 11″ in length. The reverse has just a speck of the paper RZM tag which was on it at one time. A neat cutoff from an officer’s uniform from the most famous SS unit during the infamous era. $2695.00

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