Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 1
Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 2
Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 3
Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 4
Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 5
Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 1 Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 2 Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 3 Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 4 Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc - G248 - 5

Kriminal State Polize I.D. Disc – G248

This is an excellent example of what is stated in the title, an I.D. disc which was carried by an agent working in the Nazi regime criminal state police organization. The die strike on this example is absolutely the best, right down to the eye of the eagle, talons, breast feathers and more. The stamped brass exhibits a very unique rainbow pattern of light and dark shades, a contrast difference from the muted penny color these discs usually exhibit. That even includes the factory burnishing to the recessed features of the bird’s wing feathers, as well as the swastika background. There is a little bit of an edge tap to one spot, though nothing to detract from this striking example. The agent’s number 10594 is properly stamped with precision on the raised line on the lower back of this disc. With this Kripo disc is the nice heavy carrying chain and clasp that this officer choose to wear his ID disc on. An extremely nice example, with a fantastic burnished detailed strike. If you’ve never owned one of these, grab this one. They are super neat! $2495.00  RESERVED

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