German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 1
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 2
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 3
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 4
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 5
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 6
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 7
German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 1 German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 2 German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 3 German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 4 German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 5 German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 6 German Cross in Gold by Godet - M501 - 7

German Cross in Gold by Godet – M501

This is a beautiful heavy introductory DKiG which was manufactured by the famous 3rd Reich awards firm of Gebruder Godet. These 8 piece construction badges without a doubt were the most complex and intricate awards to have been manufactured during the infamous era. And this one is a beauty! Weighing in at 71 grams no wonder manufactures had to come up with a cloth version of this award, as it’s a heavy beast to say the least! As a 6 rivet example these initial production pieces are very desirable for that fact in itself. Though the black enamel swastika at some time taken a hit to one arm which also carried over to the center plate, it’s not all that horrible from others that we’ve seen. The gorgeous Tombac gray / black sunburst plate more than makes up for any shortcomings of the prior. That component of the obverse is absolutely spectacular! This award at one time probably caught on something when the awardee was wearing it, or was possibly snagged off of his tunic upon being captured or surrender. The reason being is because ½ of the hinge barrel has a repair holding it in place. In lieu of that the other side of the hinge appears to look fine. Typical for this manufacture on their marked heavy awards, their 21 marked Prasidialkanzlie number is on the underside of the pin. Finally though a little distorted, the catch is still firmly intact.  From the renown firm which also manufactured the coveted Blue Max flying award, is offered this very beautiful Godet German Cross in Gold.         $3895.00 

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