Early SA Dagger by SMF – D1029
For as many Luftwaffe edged weapons SMF was known to produce during the 3rd Reich, collectors do not see all that many SA daggers by this manufacture. And I actually only recall a couple that we’ve had in the past. With a 6 rating on the list, this is a very nice example for a collector looking for this maker to add to their collection.
If there were ever a grip that looked like it belonged on a high leader’s dagger, here it is! Because this baby is absolutely beautiful. The wood is in great shape with just a few light pressure marks and that is it. The same condition follows through with the emblems which adorn it. The high neck eagle has been sunk with precision just below the center line of the handle. Above it the SA runes button is in excellent condition, with just an undisturbed surface patina. Both upper and lower crossguards are smooth as a baby’s keester, and have taken on a muted nickel appearance. The lower reverse crossguard is Gruppe stamped HO off to the right, toward the tip of the hardware near the grip. Gorgeous hilt assembly on this SA, with a good looking grip!
Next, we have an awesome shell that is straight, being void of any dents, hits, or creases except one tiny edge divot mid way on the hanger ring side. The upper and lower fittings have a beautiful muted finish just like the cross guards and are held firmly in place by the factory dome head screws.
And finally the blade………..and it’s a great looking blade at that! Being totally untouched like the rest of this edged weapon, this blade has not been polished nor cleaned. It has beautiful fine lines of crossgrain running down both sides of it, from hilt to tip. There is a little bit of minor age to this blade, but it is void of any chips, pitting, sharpening or anything else. On top of all that, it has a killer dark burnished Alles fur Deutschland motto that looks like it was done yesterday! On the reverse riccasso is the logo which 3rd Reich edged weapon collectors are so familiar of the seated king holding a sword upright, the trademark of the SMF firm. Truly a beautiful blade to complete this early SA dagger.
This dagger truly has the look that collectors look for! SOLD