Autographed SS Knights Cross Winner – Helmut Schreiber – P165
Helmut Schreiber was an SS Haupsturmfuhrerand one of only 98 individuals to ever receive a RK and close combat clasp in gold. This post war 5”x7” signed and framed photo shows great detail. The officer is in his combat tunic shown with tabs and shoulder boards, and also wearing what seems to be an early crusher with an EM cloth eagle and metal TK on it. The signature is penned across the pocket area of his tunic in the photo. Comes in a contemporary frame. $79.00
Bit more information on Helmut “On the 08.07.43, the III./Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Deutschland” had the order to secure the main road on both sides of Teterewino. The enemy were holding this area with strong tank support and attacking into the positions of the battalion (in the positions of the Regiment 83 enemy tanks were destroyed). At 16:00 hours the enemy succeeded in breaking into the exposed flank on the left of the III./Pz.Gren.Rgt “Deutschland”. The enemy began to dig in.
Hauptsturmführer Schreiber immediately recognized this threat to the Battalion. He collected a Zug from his Kompanie and decided to attack. After a hard and difficult fight, he was able to throw the opponent out of their positions. Hauptsturmführer Schreiber then exploited the situation further and decided to continue to attack the enemy. He advanced out of his own positions on the high ground and moved into the enemy positions, taking these in a spirited attack. Through this adjustment to their own lines, the battalion now had better positions to deal with the enemy attacks coming in against the Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Deutschland”.
Against these positions the enemy met with heavy losses. This is to be attributed to the determination and bravery of Hauptsturmführer Schreiber. Later, on the 09.07.1943 the 2. Regiment of the Pz.Gren.Div. “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” would attack the main Belgorod — Kursk railway line out of these recently won positions.
Hauptsturmführer Schreiber is typical of the Kompanie-Chiefs, mastering each situation through exceptional leadership qualities. Schreiber is a passionate soldier.”