Army Officer’s Dagger by WKC – D916
Oh I know what you guys are thinking, that there are a ton of WKC Heer daggers always available in the collectors market. And that’s true. But this one is a little bit different than the run of the mill example. Have a look.
A beautiful medium colored orange grip starts off the hilt of this edged weapon. It is in near perfect condition, void of any splits, cracks, or missing material. The metal components consisting of the crossguard, ferrule, and pommel have excellent detail to the design featured on those fittings. Additionally as you can see in the photos, the hardware has turned almost totally black with a gorgeous rich patina over their surfaces. Wrapped around the hilt is a officer’s bullion portapee in proper tie. Other than the cord exhibiting some wear in the spot that passes through the laced pattern, the knot is in very nice condition. Truly, such an attractive grip and hilt assembly on this WKC army dagger.
The scabbard to this edged weapon can be described as nothing short of being a thing of beauty! It is absolutely straight, void of any hits, bends, splits or imperfections. Like the hilt fittings, you can see that it too has turned black as all get out! Typical for this maker during the time that this dagger was manufactured, the throat is held with a single side mounted screw.
And we finish up with the blade. A couple specks of surface age is you want to call it that, is about it. Honestly, it’s as nice as it gets for any 85 year old 3rd Reich produced edged weapon.
This WKC Heer has the look…and then some! SOLD