1 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
2 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
3 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
4 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
5 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
6 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
7 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
8 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
9 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
11 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
12 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
13 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
14 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183
1 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 2 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 3 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 4 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 5 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 6 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 7 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 8 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 9 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 11 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 12 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 13 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183 14 - Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 - D1183

Deluxe Forestry Cutlass All Complete by WKC #1051 – D1183

This is a fine-looking untouched German Forestry Hirschfanger in this listing. I just love the looks of one of these edged weapons with that 90-year uncleaned appearance as the example you see in this one. As the title states, of all the forestry daggers produced by WKC during this era in time, this is in fact the most ornate as well as deluxe pattern which this firm manufactured.   The entire hilt on this cutlass remains super tight, void of any looseness or movement to its components. The grip plates are dark with surface age, and have been nicely trimmed as well as fitted to the spine of this dagger. Six oak leaves / acorns decorative emblems are all in place and remain absolutely firm and solid to the obverse as well as reverse grip plates. As for the handguard / crossguard, and clamshell, all have taken on a subtle dark patina which has settled in the recesses of the ornate design of these hilt components. A cool wild boar’s head adorns the clamshell in wonderful relief. 

The scabbard to this fine looking WKC Forestry is absolutely the best! The leather covering the shell remains in wonderful condition in regard to the period black dye, stitching, and beautifully toned fittings. There is a very slightest of bowing to the overall shape to this scabbard which is quite common to these wood lined sheaths. For such an un-touched edged weapon it truly is not in the least that detracting in my opinion. And to top off this fine sheath is the excellent matching hanger shown in place at the top of this scabbard.  

We finish up with the blade. While it does have some light surface age, it remains like every other component of this edged weapon, that being virtually untouched. The light gray triple etched pattern featuring flora and fauna scenes are all intact, and remain void of any cleaning, polishing, tipping, sharpening, or cutting-edge chips. Underneath the clamshell and out of sight is the knight’s head logo of this famous edged weapon firm, WKC.

This is a hard pattern to find, collectors. And an untouched beautiful example at that!   $2750.00

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