M35 Double Decal Luft Helmet by Fulda – H181
As the last of 5 manufactures to come on board, M35 helmets produced by Emaillerwerke -Fulda are not all that often encountered. In this offering we have a an attractive EF64 with a lot number of 3815, all complete. The dark blue exterior paint remains in real decent shape on all surfaces, including the inside skirt. On the left side the eagle transfer has been applied straight and uniform. As shown it rates strong at 95%. On the other side the national has also been nicely adhered. It shows a bit more wear than the eagle, though still in very good condition. On the interior the leather is in good shape overall. While being supple throughout, it is also void of any significant damage or excessive wear. The original draw string is in place, and hold the fingers gathered. A reinforced aluminum liner is solid to the shell, and held in place by 3 straight rivets with their corresponding washers. The liner system is complete with an early aluminum buckle chin strap, in which the leather is correctly BA stamped. Lastly, there is a name lightly painted at the reverse interior, just above the liner band. A nice early M35 Luft. SOLD