3rd Reich Railroad Eagle by Pinter – G243
This is one of the new left over stock rail eagles which G.I. souvenir hunters most likely found in fair abundance within the factory of the Pinter casting firm at the end of WWII. It is a very attractive example which measures 23 ¾” (600mm) in length. The obverse exhibits an extremely smooth matte natural aluminum finish running wing tip to wing tip, and is void of any casting imperfections, bends, breaks, holes, buffing, polishing, or other damage. Shown on the reverse are the 4 integral cone structures that these plaques were period cast with, which later in turn were machined down and threaded to be affixed onto Nazi era trains. Three of the top cones have tiny holes drilled through them, in which a wire has been inserted in order to display and hang this eagle up. Finally, on the reverse and cast into the left wing is the manufacture’s code, usage designation, and chemical composition make up: PS LOK600 GAL- Mg Si. In comparison to many of these LOK600’s, this is a super nice smooth example in this listing. SOLD