3rd Reich Forestry Dagger by Horster – D1037
Very few 3rd Reich era Hirschfangers were manufactured displaying any Nazi emblems other than perhaps the small DJ pin some times seen on period hunting and forestry stag grips. Though the edged weapon firm of E.F. Horster was one that collectors will encounter with that infamous symbol cast into the ferrule section of their hilts. In lieu of the fact that this is an unmarked blade, the Hirschfanger in this offering was no doubt manufactured by the E.F. Horster firm. A rare example of a period forestry dagger displaying the NSDAP eagle holding a swastika.
Just like their Police bayonets manufactured during the Weimar / 3rd Reich years, the stag grip plates on the hilt of this dagger are thick as all get out! Beautifully matched, trimmed with precision, and expertly fit to the spine of this forestry dagger, the stag sections on this hilt are nothing short of gorgeous! Both obverse and reverse have been fitted with 3 acorns each, securely in place and pinned super tight. The aluminum gilt components of this hilt remain in absolutely fantastic condition, and truly as nice as the day that this Hirschfanger was assembled. With a stag on the clam shell, the ornate oak leaf handguard which turns into a hoof crossguard, the lighter weight metal components of this edged weapon are simply striking. And as mentioned at the start of this write up, just above the crossguard the ferrule section displays the Nazi era symbol of an eagle holding a swastika. Not only a stunning hilt assembly in its entirety, but a rare one to boot.
The scabbard to this edged weapon is a beautiful as every other component. The leather covering the shell body is in excellent condition, void of any major bumps, scars, or unsightly damage. It remains snug to the scabbard and nicely sewn down the reverse as shown in the photo. Both upper and lower brass fittings are snug and in place, with the factory installed staples holding them secure. While the upper displays the traditional acorn hanger lug, the obverse of the lower is adorned with a beautiful sculptured traditional oak leaves design.
A very nice blade completes the writeup on this exceptional Horster forestry dagger. It remains full length, straight, tight in the fittings, and void of any tipping, sharpening, or cutting edge chips. There is a little bit of light age on the surface of this blade as shown in the photos. Though for everything else this Hirschfanger has going for it, truthfully not all that much of a challenge. As nothing has been cleaned on this edged weapon since being returned from WWII as a souvenir. Nicely etched in a light gray burnishing and running both fore and aft, is the typical flora and fauna forest and hunting scenes associated with these Hirschfangers. Lastly, the green felt blade washer is intact and like new, up against the butt plate of the clam shell.
A stunning 3rd Reich era manufactured forestry dagger, with the rarely seen Nazi eagle & swastika emblem. SOLD