2nd Model Luft Officer’s Dagger by Eickhorn – D708
Though collectors most often see the 1935-41 etched trademark associated with 2nd Model Luft daggers, the small stamped squirrel logo blade is not all that often encountered. Here’s an untouched example in this offering.
From light oranges to dark reds, the grip to this Luft dagger has every color in it imaginable. As you can see in the photos, this handle exhibits a fantastic array of Autumn colors throughout. The Torlon material appears to be in decent condition except for the top rung of the obverse. Though not visible in the photos because of the portapee, there is a chip underneath the cord. This 43cm portapee came tied in the fashion that you see it, and that is exactly how we’ve left it as well. The eagle in flight crossguard has turned almost totally black, as nothing has every been cleaned nor polished on this edged weapon since the war. As a nice bonus, the swastikas on the pommel retain 65% of the original factory gilt that they once had over their surfaces.
An excellent scabbard accompanies this dagger which is textbook Eickhorn all the way. It remains perfectly straight, void of any splits, creases or bends. Like the hilt fittings, it is totally dark with age and patina. The beveled oak leaf bands are an in-house Eickhorn product, that may be identifiable to many of you who have become familiar with this edged weapon firm’s components. Lastly, 2 flush mounted screws hold the thicker style throat in place.
And we finish up with the blade. And it’s an excellent one to say the least. Drawn to a needle point tip and loaded with a beautiful crossgrain, it exemplifies the quality that collectors are familiar with when it comes to Eickhorn blades. Oh, there’s a little bit of surface age in a couple places, but hardly worth fussing over all that much. On the reverse riccasso and barely visible is the small stamped squirrel with his upright sword, a logo that this firm used for just a couple of years early during the war.
A nice untouched Eickhorn Luft, with a lot of appeal. $895.00