Type C Chain
Now that we covered the Type A, B1, and B2’s, the last chain variation that I want to touch on is the Type C’s. This SS M36 chain configuration deviates from all of the other varieties, in many ways. We don’t see these Type C’s all that often, and it’s tough to get a decent example to use as a comparison to show the differences. But this one will have to do.
1. The skull and runic links on a Type C will be plated steel. During the early production period the plating held up quite nicely. But later in the production era, this finish was much thinner, and prone to oxidation and loss of material.
2. If you look at the skull and runic links of a Type C chain, they are completely different in characteristics and appearance, from the other chain varieties. The skull & runes have a unique shape, the connectors are heavy and round, and almost every feature completely differs from the other 3 chains discussed.
3. It is a rare exception that you will encounter a Type C chain, in which the links have will have burnished backgrounds. Generally speaking, they will be entirely plated.
4. The connectors to the Wotan’s knot are in a straight cut, instead of being beveled. And the actual Wotan’s knot is separate piece which is wielded to the clip. With the other 3 chain variations, the clip and cloverleaf are together as one unit.
5. And lastly, the center band on the scabbard of a Type C chain, has it’s own characteristics which vary from the other 3 examples shown previously. The 6 meandering swastikas have a rounded appearance, as opposed to being flat.
There you have it. Hopefully this clears up some questions that you might have on different chain variations, associated with the M36 SS daggers.