Type A Chain
Himmler approved of a new type of scabbard hanger for the SS dagger, on Aug 25th, 1936. This became known as the M36 Chain Dagger. These new SS daggers with a chain suspension scabbard, have absolutely fascinated collectors of 3rd Reich edged weapons. Up until a few years ago, the terminology for the different chain configurations was quite confusing, to say the least. And even today, many enthusiasts as well as dealers, sometimes error in the actual type of chain dagger that they are discussing. Collectors previously used the terms Type I and Type II, as a matter of distinguishing what was thought to be the only 2 variety of chains. Then a new chain configuration was noticed about a dozen years ago, and it was termed Type III. That really threw a wrench into the mix, and made matters worse. The different names associated with theses chain varieties, was now totally cobbled. That’s because there was no correlation with any specific type of chain, and the time period that it was produced.
With the publishing of Ralf Siegert’s reference on SS edged weapons, he for the first time, laid out a chronological manufacturing time line. He also drew as distinction and categorized 4 different chain varieties. In doing so, he showed what was produced first, second, and so on. Ralf also renamed the chain configurations, to help collectors see the differences and separate the characteristics identifying each variety. In this 4 part article, I’ll take it a step further in attempt to help collectors understand the differences between the 4 SS chain varieties, and how to identify them. In doing so, I will use the terms that Ralf came up with in his reference. Referring to the 4 chain varieties as the following: Type A, Type B1, Type B2, & Type C.
The Type A SS chain configuration was misidentified for many years. I recognized this anomaly about 12 years ago, when I purchased an SS Chain dagger from a gun dealer, at the Show of Shows in Louieville Kentucky. When looking closely at the chain suspension, I noticed that the skull links had a septum in the nose of the skeleton head. I compared this characteristic to another early M36 chain that I owned, but it didn’t have this feature. Ha, now there was a new type of chain, that wasn’t identified in any previous 3rd Reich edged reference, or even known of by the collecting community! So that is the first difference that collectors need to be aware of, when identifying the earliest Type A chain daggers.
These Type A’s without a doubt, are the initial production variety seen associated with the SS chain dagger. Along with the septum in the nose of the skull link, there are a couple other minor differences with this introductory model chain assembly. But they as not all that noticeable nor distinct, and may be difficult to discern at first. These are the other characteristics of the Type A chains:
1. All are manufactured of nickel silver, with the links struck quite thick. They will be matched to a black painted scabbard.
2. The background pebbling in the links is not all that profound or raised. And as a result, many of these early chains did not retain the black burnishing designed to bring out the features of the skull & SS rune links. The sigrunes in the runic link, have a thick profile and nearly touch each other.
3. The connectors which fasten to the Wotan’s knot, most of the time have a broad flared wide look, as opposed to a narrow taper.
4. The Kulturzeichen culture proof mark is lightly hand stamped, and has a unique look. The appearance is elongated, with a spiral twist.
5. Finally, the center band to these Type A’s, is actually slightly thinner than what you will encounter on the other 3 chain configurations.
The Type A chain was not in production very long. The most obvious reason, was the lack of quality nickel in which to manufacture them with. As Germany geared up for war, nickel disappeared as a metal used in the production of 3rd Reich edged weapons. These Type A chains found with the septum in the nose of the skull links, are extremely desirable, and highly sought after by 3rd Reich Edged weapon collectors.